Klanten Import
Korte omschrijving
Deze interface beschrijft welke klantinformatie vanuit het ERP systeem naar Vendisto wordt getransporteerd.
Klantinformatie omvat:
Shop Specifiek debiteurnummer
N.a.w. gegevens factuuradres
Naam2 (Bijv. t.a.v.)
N.a.w. gegevens standaard verzendadres
Naam2 (Bijv. t.a.v.)
Extra aanduiding (Bijv. Havennummer, afslagnummer, etc.)
Afleverinstructie (Bijv. “Achter de keet in kist achterlaten…”)
Naam contactpersoon
E-mailadres contactpersoon
Betaalmethode (op rekening, contant, etc.)
Update Frequentie: Batch minimaal 1x per dag Incrementeel of complete set: Incrementeel Bestandtype: Zipped XML
Bestandsbenaming: [SHOPNAME]_customers_[INDEXNUMBER].xml Transport: over FTPS, FTPS Vendisto server wordt gehost door INTEGRACE, bestand wordt door ERP partij neergezet op FTPS server.
Location within FTP root: \Vendisto\Integration\
Customer XML Structure
This XML structure can be used for batch import of Customer data. All optional elements can be omitted from the import. Omitted elements that represent customer information will not update existing information. E.G. if <FirstName> is not present in the XML but is in the database, the field will not be updated. If <FirstName /> is present as an empty XML element, the FirstName in the database will be made empty. If <CustomerAddresses> is not present, the CustomerAddresses will not be updated. If <CustomerAddresses /> is present as empty XML element, all existing customer’s addresses will be removed from the database.
The ImportSettings element can be used to set the default behavior of import.
Changes from Customer XML 2.0 to 2.1
The ImportSettings node is now required as well as the 'Importer' setting.
The PartialUserImport setting is no longer available.
StreetAddressType is a new import setting with values: Combined and Separated
StreetAddres1 and StreetAddress2 are renamed to AddressLine1 and AddressLine2
AddressLine1 contains Street and housenumber when StreetAddressType is set to Combined
The new fields Street, HouseNumber and HouseNumberAddition are to be used when StreetAddressType is set to Separated
AddressLine2: May contain an additional address line
UserType and UserRights are new elements on the User level
ExternalId can be filled with the address id of the ERP system
Changes from Customer XML 2.1 to 2.2
The PriceGroup element was removed from the XML definition
A new PriceList element was added to the definition
Velden customer XML
Import element:
ImportSettings element:
Customer element:
Authorization element:
CustomerAddress element:
User element:
UserRights element:
Structuur Customer XML (Legacy)
De informatie in deze sectie beschrijft het legacy formaat voor de Customer XML import. Dit formaat wordt nog ondersteund maar zal worden uitgefaseerd. Nieuwe implementaties dienen hier geen gebruik meer van te maken.
Velden customer XML (Legacy)
Last updated