

This method is used to place an order. We will sent again the complete order given from the last CalculateOrder result including billing and shipping address information.


Please note: this is not a working url, but a combination of namespace and method. Do not expect the url to return a result.



Input (Literal)

The input of this method is the document element tns:PlaceOrder having the structure defined by the following table.

Complex Type: tns:PlaceOrderRequest

The PlaceOrderRequest contains all the information to place an order into the ERP system.

Complex Type: tns:Order

The Order contains all the information to place an order in the ERP system but also to show on the website when we are showing order history.

Complex Type: tns:ArrayOfOrderLine

Complex Type: tns:OrderLine

A order line contains all the information of an ordered product. In case of order history it can also contain a order line status code and track and trace information.

Output (Literal)

The output of this method is the document element tns:PlaceOrderResponse having the structure defined by the following table.

Complex Type: tns:PlaceOrderResult

The PlaceOrderResult contains the confirmation that an order was placed succesful in the ERP system.

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