Voucher & Discount Codes


Vouchers are a great way to offer discounts, rewards, or special offers to your customers. Whether you’re running a promotion, celebrating a holiday, or simply saying thank you, vouchers provide an easy and effective way to drive sales and customer satisfaction.

How to Use Vouchers

  1. Apply the Voucher Code: During checkout, customers can enter the voucher code in the designated field in the basket to redeem their discount.

  2. Voucher Types: Vouchers can offer a fixed discount amount (e.g., €10 off) or a percentage-based discount (e.g., 20% off).

  3. Expiration Dates & Limits: Set start and expiry dates to control when the voucher can be used. You can also limit how many times a voucher can be redeemed.

  4. Currency-Specific Values: Vouchers can be tailored for different currencies, so your international customers can enjoy the same great deals.

How to Benefit from Vouchers By using vouchers, you can increase customer engagement, boost sales, and promote specific products or services. They’re an excellent tool for encouraging repeat business or attracting new customers. Simply create your voucher, set your conditions, and start offering discounts today!

This document is a user guide for uploading vouchers through an Excel file In Vendisto. The data from the uploaded file will be processed and imported into the database, with options for a partial or full import. During a full import, any records not included in the upload will be removed from the database. Records that fail validation will be flagged in red, with an additional column at the end of the document listing specific error messages for each issue.

Excel File Structure

The Excel file must contain the following column structure for the Voucher Import to be successful:


VoucherCode (required)

  • Type: String

  • Description: The unique code or name of a voucher, also the identifier. You may use any code or name you prefer here. This is the code or name that webshop visitors can enter in the shopping cart.

VoucherType (required)

  • Type: Enum

  • Description: Either 'Amount' or 'Percentage', indicates the type of column: 'VoucherValue'. An amount effectively applies the entered number in 'VoucherValue' as a discount. If you select 'Percentage,' the value entered in 'VoucherValue' will be applied as a discount percentage. The discounts are calculated based on the total value of the products in the shopping cart. This total amount excludes shipping costs and other surcharges or payment discounts.

VoucherStartDate (optional)

  • Type: Date (DD/MM/YYYY)

  • Description: The start date determines when the voucher code becomes active and available for use. Customers will not be able to redeem the voucher code before this date. If left empty the voucher will not have a start date and is active and available immediately. Ensure that the start date aligns with your promotion schedule to avoid any confusion for your customers.

VoucherEndDate (optional)

  • Type: Date (DD/MM/YYYY)

  • Description: TThe expiry date specifies the last day the voucher code can be used. After this date, the voucher code will no longer be valid. If left empty the voucher will not have an end date.

RedemptionLimit (required)

  • Type: UINT

  • Description: The usage limit determines how many times the voucher code can be redeemed in total. Enter the desired number in the 'RedemptionLimit' field. The number must be entered as digits. If you leave this field empty, the voucher code will have no usage limit and can be redeemed an unlimited number of times.

VoucherMayBeUsedMoreThanOnceByDebtor (required)

  • Type: Boolean

  • Description: Indicates whether or not a voucher code can be used more than once per debtor/customer, can either be 'True' or 'False'. True means that the voucher code can be used more than once by a unique debtor. False means that a unique debtor can only use the voucher code once.

VoucherValue-#{currency} (At least 1 required)

  • Type: decimal

  • Description: The discount amount or percentage of the voucher per currency. The voucher value can be defined differently for each currency your webshop supports. This ensures customers receive an appropriate discount regardless of the currency they use and what currencies are configured in your webshop. The value must be entered with two decimal places.

MinimumOrderValue-#{currency} (At least 1 required)

  • Type: decimal

  • Description: The minimal order amount required for the voucher code is applicable per currency. The MinimunOrderValue is calculated based on the total value of the products in the shopping cart. This total amount excludes shipping costs and other surcharges or payment discounts. It is allowed to set this value to 0 so that no minimum order value is applied. The MinimumOrderValue can be defined differently for each currency your webshop supports. The value must be entered with two decimal places.

VoucherName-#{language} (optional)

  • Type: string

  • Description: The name of the voucher in a specific language. If your webshop support multilangual you should enter translations in all languages if the voucher is applicable in every language. If the voucher is not applicable in a certain language you should leave this columns empty. The name will be shown after a webshop visitor enters the voucher code.

VoucherDescription-#{language} (optional)

  • Type: string

  • Description: The description of the voucher in a specific language. If your webshop support multilangual you should enter translations in all languages if the voucher is applicable in every language. If the voucher is not applicable in a certain language you should leave this columns empty. The description will be shown after a webshop visitor enters the voucher code.

Example File

Import Process

  1. Uploading the File:

    • The Excel file is uploaded to the system.

  2. Validation:

    • The file undergoes validation. Records that fail validation will be highlighted in red.

    • An error column is added to the end of the document containing error messages for each invalid row.

  3. Partial vs. Full Import:

    • Partial Import: Only the records present in the upload are updated or created. Existing records in the database that are not in the upload remain unchanged. The default setting in Vendisto is that a partial import is performed.

    • Full Import: All existing records in the database not included in the upload are deleted.

Error Handling

  • If any records fail validation, they will be highlighted in red in the Excel file.

  • An additional column labeled "Errors" will be appended to the file, containing detailed error messages for each invalid record.

  • When having at least on error in the document. The whole document will not be processed to the database. It doesn't matter if it is a partial or a full import


  • Ensure that all required fields are filled correctly.

  • Optional fields can be left empty if not applicable.

  • Follow the specified formats for each field to avoid validation errors.

Last updated

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