Customer-specific Prices
Short description
Price agreements for specific articles that supersede the price as specified in the customers pricelist can be defined via the ERP Cache CustomerPrices interface. The import file can contain multiple prices for multiple customers. Prices can be defined in multiple currencies. If no currency is specified then the price will be imported in Euro.
Delivery method
Update Frequency: Batch at least once a day Incremental or complete set: Incremental
Filetype: Zipped XML
Filename: [SHOPNAME]_ErpCache_CustomerPrices_[INDEXNUMBER].xml Transport: over FTPS, FTPS Vendisto server hosted by INTEGRACE, file will be placed on FTPS server by ERP party.
Location within FTP root: \ErpCache\
Structure XML
Changes from ErpCache_CustomerPrices XML 1.0 to 1.1
An optional currency attribute was added to NettoPricePerItemExclVat and DiscountAmountPerItemExclVat.
Changes from ErpCache_CustomerPrices XML 1.1 to 1.2
Added VatCode, BaseUnit and PriceUnit to the customer price import. This was necessary if you only want to use Customer Prices. Without those values, customer prices only will not work since the product table will have no matching records.
Added optional PartialImport importsetting
Changes from ErpCache_CustomerPrices XML 1.2 to 1.3
The VatCode field was replaced by VatPercentage
Fields XML
Import element:
ImportSettings element:
CustomerPrice element:
QuantityDiscountPrice element:
Prices can optionally be defined in multiple currencies. The NettoPricePerItemExclVat and DiscountAmountPerItemExclVat elements may therefore occur more then once within a QuantityDiscountPrice element.
Last updated