Order Export

Short description

If the Realtime PlaceOrder interface is not an option, the Order XML export can be used to place an XML document with the submitted order contents in an FTPS folder.

For validation purposes of the Exported XML an XSD document is available. The current version of the XSD document is: OrderXmlExport_v4.xsd

Delivery method

Update Frequency: When the order is submitted

Incremental or complete set: Incremental

Filetype: XML

Filename: order_[ordernumber].xml Transport: over FTPS, FTPS Vendisto server hosted by INTEGRACE, file will be placed on FTPS server by the shop.

Location within FTP root: \ShoxlPro\Orders\

Structure XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <OrderId> </OrderId>
    <CocNumber></CocNumber >

Fields XML

OrderInformation element:

CostLineInformation element:

OrderLineInformation element:


Last updated