
This document describes the standard interfaces between the Shoxl Shop and ERP systems.

In this interface, a distinction is made between batch interfaces and real-time interfaces (web services). Batch interfaces are used for the transport of large amounts of data, which must be immediately (and therefore locally) available when the visitor navigates through the shop.

Real-time interfaces are used to retrieve current data from the ERP system. Typically, this data cannot be prepared because it changes too often or because it is based on complex calculations or rules.

Shoxl has the following batch interfaces with ERP systems:

Gross price information

  • Customers

  • Orders

Shoxl has the following real-time interfaces with ERP systems:

  • Retrieving customer-specific prices and stock

  • Retrieve calculation of complete order (shopping cart)

  • Sending orders

  • Retrieving order history

  • Retrieving invoice history

This translates into the following Webservices (Methods):

Thus, orders can be prepared for the ERP system via the batch interface as well as offered to that system via a web service.

All data is offered directly to the shop. So there is no local management or post-processing of data; all management is done in the ERP system. The only exception is customer data: this data can be viewed and supplemented in Vendisto ERP. The background to this is the shop's role in issuing shop access data. In addition, orders entered in the shop can be viewed if required. However, subsequent changes of orders in the ERP system are not visible in Vendisto.


For the realtime interface between shop and ERP system we have defined two different ways of communication:

  • a SOAP interface for which we supply a WSDL document

  • a REST interface for which we supply a swagger.json file containing the Open API format of the interface

The connector with the ERP system - that is usually implemented by the ERP party - implements the server endpoints and methods that are defined in the WSDL or swagger.json. The shop implements the client part.

You can find these formats at the Webservice page.

Last updated