Gross Prices Import

Short description

This interface describes which gross price information is transported from the ERP system to Shoxl Shop. Gross prices are shown at product level and come from Shoxl Shop, at article level the prices are retrieved realtime from the ERP system. The gross price information can be extended with tiered prices, in which case the price is shown as of the number of articles to which the tiered price applies.

Prices can be defined in several currencies. If no currency is specified for a price, the prices are imported in Euros.

Gross price information includes:

  • Article number

  • Gross price excl.

  • Net price including VAT

  • Suggested Retail price including VAT

  • Minimum order quantity

  • Discount price excl.

  • Number per package

  • Packaging unit

  • Minimum quantity discount price


Update Frequency: Batch 1x per day

Incremental or complete set: complete set

Filetype: Zipped XML

Bestandsbenaming: [SHOPNAME]_brutoprices_[INDEXNUMBER].xml Transport: over FTPS, FTPS Vendisto server is hosted by INTEGRACE, file is put on FTPS server by ERP party

Location within FTP root: \Vendisto\Production\

Structure Gross prices XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <brutoPriceExclVat Currency=""></brutoPriceExclVat>
        <PriceInclVat Currency=""></PriceInclVat>
        <SuggestedRetailPriceInclVat Currency=""></SuggestedRetailPriceInclVat>
        <DiscountPriceExclVat Currency=""></DiscountPriceExclVat>
                <brutoPriceExclVat Currency=""></brutoPriceExclVat>
                <PriceInclVat Currency=""></PriceInclVat>

Fields Gross Prices XML

Prices can optionally be defined in several currencies. The grossPriceExclVat and PriceInclVat may therefore occur more than once within a grossPrice or AccumulativeDiscount element.

The AdditionQuantity element was introduced in the 2022.3 release and defines the steps of quantities (in base units) in which the product can be ordered. The ordered quantity must be a multitude of the AdditionQuanity and be equal or above the MinimumOrderQuantity.

The EqualizationTaxPercentage element was introduced in the 2024.3.1 release in order to support customers who are subject to different tax regimes in different countries.

For legacy purposes the shop can be defined to use the MinimumOrderQuantity as AdditionQuantity. In these cases AdditionQuantity will default to MinimumOrderQuantity if the element is not present. For new shop implementations the AdditionQuantity will default to 1.