About Package Units, Price Unit and Accumulative Discounts

This paragraph describes possible future functionality that is not realised yet. The structure of the XML below may be subject to change.

The Shoxl shop can be configured to show the article's package units on the article detail page.

In order to be able to do this package units must be available in the shop's database and have been provided with a Package Unit Import file.

The list of package units can be completed with the prices of the package units.

The shown prices will be supplied by the GetProductInformation webservice for authenticated customers and with the prices from the Gross Prices Import for customers without an account.

Note that it is also possible to configure the shop to for a customer without account with a predefined (under water) accountnumber in order to be able to display different prices based on the customers region.

Below import example will lead to a display of the following list. For sake of the example the prices are defined in the brutoPrices XML. Note that the PackageBaseUnit in this example is the same as the BaseUnit of the Price.

  • Box (20 Pieces) - 4.50 / Piece

  • Outer Box (100 Pieces) - 4.00 / Piece

  • Pallet (240 Pieces) - 3.50 / Piece

Article: 123

Price: 4.50 / Piece

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                    <Unit>Outer box</Unit>

        <brutoPriceExclVat Currrency="">4.50</brutoPriceExclVat>
        <SuggestedRetailPriceInclVat Currrency=""></SuggestedRetailPriceInclVat>
        <DiscountPriceExclVat Currrency=""></DiscountPriceExclVat>
                <brutoPriceExclVat Currrency="">4.00</brutoPriceExclVat>
                <brutoPriceExclVat Currrency="">3.50</brutoPriceExclVat>

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